在美國舉辦的PROMAT DX 2021年物流線上展的第三日,MHI美國物料搬運工業協會和德勤咨詢聯合發布了《2021年MHI報告》,題目為《創新是復原力的驅動:在不確定的時代技術和創新如何助力供應鏈》。MHI已經連續多年,在亞特蘭大和芝加哥物流展期間發布《MHI年度報告》,這份報告對整個市場的調查和分析,以及對未來趨勢的把控,被認為是物料搬運領域的決策依據。值得中國同行研究。
Need for Resilience Amid Pandemic Disruption Powering Digital Supply Chain Investments
Nearly half of supply chain leaders surveyed have dramatically accelerated spending on digital technologies to make their operations more responsive and forward-looking during the pandemic, accordingto an industry report released today by MHI in collaboration with Deloitte.
Cloud computing, robotics andinventory/network optimization tools saw the biggest jump in terms supply chain investment, with 49% of survey respondents increasing spending, according to the 2021 MHI Annual Industry Report, “Innovation Driven Resilience: How Technology and Innovation Help Supply Chains Thrive in Unprecedented Times,”which provides new insights into trends and technologies that are having adramatic business impact on supply chains and the people who run them.
云計算、機器人和庫存/網絡優化工具在供應鏈投資方面增幅最大,根據 2021 年 MHI 年度行業報告"創新驅動的彈性:技術和創新如何幫助供應鏈在前所未有的時代蓬勃發展",該報告提供了對趨勢和技術的新見解,這些趨勢和技術正在對供應鏈和運營者產生巨大的業務影響。
A great majority of respondents, 83% believe digital supply chains will be the predominant model with in just five years – 22% believe they are now.
Supply Chain Technologies are Driving Resiliency
According to this year’s respondents,nearly all the advanced digital technologies covered by the survey are expected to achieve wide spread adoption within the next 3-5 years.
Cloud computing and storage has the highest current adoption rate at 57%. Adoption is expected to grow to 88% over the next 3-5 years.
云計算和存儲的當前采用率最高,為 57%。預計在未來3-5年內,選用率將增長到88%。
Robotics and automation, currently at 38%,is expected to reach 76% in the next 3-5 years.
Predictive Analytics, currently at 31%, is expected to grow to 79% in the next 3-5 years.
Industrial Internet of Things, currently 27%, is expected to grow to 73% over the next 3-5 years.
Artificial Intelligence, currently at 17%,is expected to grow to 62% in the next 3-5 years.
Talent Shortage, Customer Demands and Disruption are Top Supply Chain Challenges
When it comes to supply chain challenges,respondents continue to report that their organization’s greatest challenge is hiring and retaining qualified workers at 52%. Close behind is the category ofcustomer requirements in which customers continually expect and demand faster response times and lower costs. Digital innovation is essential to solving this customer experience challenge, but the technologies cannot be implemented without a skilled workforce to run them. Supply chain disruption was also a major challenge at 39%.
在供應鏈挑戰方面,受訪者繼續報告說,他們組織面臨的最大挑戰是招聘和留住 52% 的合格員工。緊隨其后的是客戶需求類別,客戶不斷期待和要求更快的響應時間和更低的成本。數字創新對于解決這一客戶體驗挑戰至關重要,但如果沒有熟練的員工來運行這些技術,這些技術就無法實現。供應鏈中斷也是39%的主要挑戰。
“Supply chain resilience has never been more important. Companies that made investments in digital technologies prior to the pandemic were more prepared and able to adapt, survive and even thrive during this disruption. They will also be ready when the next crisis inevitably hits,” John Paxton, CEO of MHI.
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